A 2D Samurai Duelling game. You advance to the next fight after you beat your opponent. The game is very broken and unfinished in it's current state. I couldn't be able to complete making the game in time. I first tried to make a 3D game but ran into some diffculties and decided to make it a 2D game but i already had lost a lot of time by then

Movement: WASD and arrow keys

z: Downward cut

x: Sideway cut

c:Upward cut

ctrl+a or left arrow: horizontal block

ctrl+w or up arrow: vertical block

q: horizontal parry

e:vertical parry

roll: shift

You will see a parry indicator before the enemy will do his attack. If it says downslash you need to do the horizontal parry, if it's sideslash, you need to do vertical parry. If you can successfully parry the attack, the enemy is pushed back a little and stunned. Blocking works the same way but it doesn't stun the enemy. It prevents the damage and pushes back the enemy a little. These mechanics only work on the first stage. Second and third stages are unfinished. 

Note: I forgot to disable the win screen before taking the build and uploded that way. I fixed that mistake in the post jam build.


Shadows of Honor.zip 42 MB
Shadows of Honor Post Jam Version.zip 42 MB
Immortal Blade Win Build.zip 43 MB

Development log

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